Personification Means To Give Human Traits To
Olivia Luz

Personification means giving humans qualities to an abstract idea as in a movie villain who is the personification of evil.
Personification definition personification is basically a common literary tool and one of the figures of speech such as that of simile metaphor onomatopoeia and so on among others. Giving an object or animal human characteristics to create interesting imagery an example of personification would be in the nursery rhyme hey diddle diddle where the little dog laughed to see such fun anthropomorphism means. Personification gives a human trait to something nonhuman or abstract. Personification can also refer to a person or thing that embodies a quality as in the saying he is the personification of greed personification makes it easier for the reader to understand the description and put it into.
Personification means attributing an inanimate non living object human traits and qualities such as emotions desires sensations physical gestures and speech. It is defined as the means through which you assign qualities and actions of a human being to things like inanimate objects plants and even animals. Personification is the process of giving human nature or motives anger revenge love etc in literature or similar activities to non human things. Making an object or animal act and look like they are human.
Personification is a literary device in narratives where non human objects for example trees are given human traits. It can be for aiding visualisation and imagery or to help make a point clearer and or easier to understand. Personification is the literary device that writers use to give inanimate objects human qualities or characteristics. Understanding when to use personification vs.
In the first a person who is known for a certain quality like wisdom is said to represent that quality in a way any can understand like a patient. Personification is a common form of metaphor in that human characteristics are attributed to nonhuman things. This includes animals mountains buildings. Personification is a figure of speech in which an idea or thing is given human attributes and or feelings or is spoken of as if it were human.Source :